Our online services are based on the highly distinguished Finnish education expertise, and are designed to develop professional competences all over the world. The online services include webinars, online training, and online programmes.

Our ready-made online programmes for teachers and other education professionals are presented below. You can also see examples of tailor-made online services on our reference page.

If you are interested in ordering online services for your group of professionals, please contact us.

STEM Education for Early Childhood and Primary Teachers

STEM Education for Early Childhood and Primary Teachers is an innovative online learning solution for early education teachers. With our practical approach, teachers will learn in small bits, and they will learn the method and the content at the same time.

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Star Lessons: Online Programme for Teacher Training

Star lessons is a Finnish online programme for teachers. Teachers will learn the theory in small concrete parts, and it can easily be applied in teaching practices. They can immediately take the ideas into their own classrooms and create pedagogically meaningful learning opportunities for their students and promote the students’ capacity to learn.

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Student-Engaging Learning Practices

Through this online programme, participants will learn the most modern educational practices currently being used by Finnish teacher trainers. Following the programme, teachers will be able to maximise the number of interested and motivated students, who are truly engaged in learning.

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High-Impact Learning

This online programme gives participants fundamental knowledge on how people learn. Following the programme, participants will understand the essential elements of the human brain, memory, and learning, that are relevant in designing high-impact instruction and teaching.

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Future Skills

This online programme provides teachers with the tools necessary to implement future skills in their teaching practices, and helps them promote future skill development in their students.

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Phenomenal Learning

This online programme helps participants to understand what phenomenon-based learning is, and how to design projects based on around it.

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University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+

University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+

P.O. Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 32)

FI-00014 University of Helsinki

Our Finnish website: hyplus.helsinki.fi

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HY+ is a fully-owned company of the University of Helsinki. We provide continuing education and development services both in Finland and abroad.

Don't hesitate to contact us

If you have any questions about the services offered by the University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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